Famous Artists’ Techniques You Can Try

Famous Artists' Techniques You Can Try

Many famous artists have left their mark on the world with unique styles and techniques. These methods can inspire you to try new approaches in your own art. In this article, we will explore famous artists’ techniques you can try to help you tap into your creativity. Whether you’re painting, drawing, or working digitally, these techniques can open up a whole new world of artistic possibilities.

Famous Artists' Techniques You Can Try

Van Gogh’s Bold Brushstrokes

Vincent van Gogh is known for his thick, expressive brushstrokes. His technique, called impasto, involves applying paint so thickly that the texture becomes a part of the artwork. This method adds depth and energy to paintings, making them come alive with movement and color.

To try this technique, use a palette knife or a thick brush and build up layers of paint on your canvas. Experiment with different colors and strokes to create texture and emotion in your work. It’s one of the easiest famous artists’ techniques you can try at home with a simple paint set.

Monet’s Focus On Light And Color

Claude Monet, the father of Impressionism, focused on capturing light and its effects on colors. He often painted the same scene at different times of the day to show how light changed the mood and appearance. This technique is great for understanding how light affects color and atmosphere in your art.

To try Monet’s technique, paint outdoors and observe how light changes throughout the day. Focus on quick brushstrokes and avoid getting caught up in details. This is one of the famous artists’ techniques you can try to develop a better understanding of color and light in your own artwork.

Picasso’s Cubism

Pablo Picasso revolutionized the art world with his Cubist style. He broke objects down into geometric shapes, creating abstract and fragmented works. This technique encourages artists to think about how to represent objects in new ways.

To try Picasso’s technique, choose a subject and break it down into simple shapes like squares, triangles, and circles. Rearrange the shapes in unusual ways, playing with perspective. This is one of the most exciting famous artists’ techniques you can try if you want to experiment with abstract art.

Jackson Pollock’s Drip Painting

Jackson Pollock became famous for his drip painting technique, also known as action painting. He would drip or pour paint onto a canvas, allowing it to fall freely and create random, organic shapes. This technique is all about letting go of control and embracing spontaneity.

To try Pollock’s technique, lay a canvas on the floor and use sticks or brushes to drip paint onto the surface. Let the paint move naturally, without worrying about the final outcome. This is one of the most fun famous artists’ techniques you can try if you enjoy the freedom of abstract expressionism.

Leonardo da Vinci’s Layered Drawing

Leonardo da Vinci was a master of drawing, often using fine, detailed lines to build up layers of shadow and light. His technique, called sfumato, involved blending tones gradually to create soft transitions and realistic depth.

To try da Vinci’s technique, use a pencil or charcoal and work slowly, building up layers of shading. Focus on blending to achieve smooth transitions between light and shadow. This is one of the most challenging famous artists’ techniques you can try, but it can greatly improve your drawing skills.

Georgia O’Keeffe’s Focus On Close-Ups

Georgia O’Keeffe is famous for her large-scale, close-up paintings of flowers and other natural objects. Her technique focused on enlarging small details, forcing viewers to see ordinary subjects in new ways. This method encourages a deeper exploration of simple objects.

To try O’Keeffe’s technique, choose a small object and zoom in on its details. Paint or draw it much larger than life, focusing on texture, color, and form. This is one of the famous artists’ techniques you can try to challenge your perception and create striking, bold artwork.


Trying out famous artists’ techniques you can try in your own art can inspire you to think differently and explore new creative paths. Whether you’re experimenting with Van Gogh’s thick brushstrokes, Monet’s focus on light, or Pollock’s spontaneous drips, each technique offers a new way to express yourself. So, grab your brushes, pencils, or digital tools, and start experimenting with these iconic methods today!

By Bravo